Desi Danganan

A Cajun Restaurant in the Mission & the New SOMA Pilipinas Cultural District

Desi Danganan
A Cajun Restaurant in the Mission & the New SOMA Pilipinas Cultural District

It's been a while since we've reached out. In this issue we've got 3 project updates: 

  • Alba Ray's Cajun Kitchen & Bar in SF
  • The team behind Plinth is starting a new non-profit business accelerator called Kultivate Labs
  • How we used $300 in social media ads to help generate $30K in revenue


Cajun Soul x California Love

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Alba Ray's Brings the Soul of New Orleans into the Heart of the Mission

The dynamic duo of restauranteur Alvin Garcia and Chef Adam Rosenblum have been taking the San Francisco restaurant industry by storm. In 2014, the opened their wildly popular American bistro Causwells in the Marina district. The burger at Causwells received so much attention that the duo built their 2nd successful concept around it called Popson's in 2016.

In early 2017,  Alvin and Adam came to Plinth to build a website and create the brand fundamentals for their new Cajun bar and restaurant called Alba Ray's.


  • Build website before opening
  • Develop brand fundamentals around the Alba Ray's concept
  • Create verbal identity and web copy
  • Execute in a short time frame (3 weeks start to finish)


  • Conduct brand exploration
  • Distill Alba Ray's core purpose and brand values
  • Craft brand language and web copy
  • Build a website that focuses on the Alba Ray's experience

Kultivate Labs

Community + Commerce + Culture

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In April of 2016, San Francisco's Board of Supervisors unanimously passed legislation creating a Filipino Cultural district called SOMA Pilipinas.

Kultivate Labs is a community conscious non-profit business accelerator dedicated to creating economic opportunity and developing a vibrant commercial corridor in the newly established SOMA Pilipinas cultural district.

Enriching San Francisco's Cultural Diversity by Accelerating Commerce and Building Community with Programs in the New SOMA Pilipinas Cultural District

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How We Used $300 in Social Media Ads to Generate $30k in Revenue

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Hub Streat is a Culinary Entertainment Center in Downtown Plano, TX that is expected to open April 2017. Weather, construction, and permitting pushed the opening back for over a year. To start generating revenue, Hub Streat decided to host a food truck event in their parking lot at the end of Jan. 2017.

Hub Streat came to us to design a social media campaign to promote the event.

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We currently have space on our client roster. Are you ready?